This 1994 abduction case involves the most disturbing death of a single human being ever seen. The human was subject to a brutal mutilation. Yet the reality is that what happened to him is far more disturbing than brutality. This was systematic mutilation. Whoever they were. Had a level of stunning precision. They were specific about what body parts and internal organs they wanted. They removed the left eye, the left ear, the lips, the tongue, and the jaw boneIn the upper torso, two "drainage holes" were perfectly cut into the chest; and the entire rectum track had been cored out leaving a large gaping hole, similar to how an apple core remover will slice out the centre leaving the outside fully intact.

Further perplexing is the fact that there was no blood. It is clear that this systematic mutilation was executed with speed, precision, and powered by an advanced intelligence.
And that is what makes this case so disturbing.
If we are to assume that this abduction was carried out by an alien intelligence, then it is time to also revise our data regarding the conceivable specific intentions, moral perspectives and general agenda that some of our extra-terrestrial visitors may have.


In 1998, four years after the body was found, Brazilian researcher Zapata Carcia and Dr. Rubens Goes revealed to the public the first time the information about the case. The body was found on a in the Guarapiranga reservoir, located in the southern area of the city of São Paulo, Brazil.
Zapata & Dr. Rubens also had a series of photographs leaked to them from an insider within the Brazilian police. Upon inquiring with the police about the case, surprisingly the head of primary investigation offered his files on the case. Police are responsible for investigating crimes… yet this murder would prove to go beyond even the most sickest criminal minds could ever possibly conceive. The report was rather simple in that, there were no signs of struggle. No typical violence occurred here. No ropes or weapons were involved.

The autopsy report would reveal more about what happened than what the police could produce. The autopsy report states: "We observed the removal of the right and left orbital areas, emptying of the mouth cavity, pharynx, oropharynx, neck, right and left armpit area, abdomen, pelvic cavity, right and left groin area"
The photographs, if you have the stomach, are available for viewing below. 

"The axillary regions on both sides showed soft spots where organs had been removed. Incisions were made on the face, internal thorax, abdomen, legs, arms, and chest. Shoulders and arms have perforations of 1 to 1.5 inches in diameter where tissue and muscles were extracted. The edges of the perforations were uniform and so was their size. The chest had shrunk due to the removal of internal organs."

The autopsy report continues, "We observed the removal of the right and left orbital areas, emptying of the mouth cavity, pharynx, oropharynx, neck, right and left armpit area, abdomen, pelvic cavity, right and left groin area".

Precise "cookie cutter" holes are discovered in strategically positions throughout the body used for extracting internal organs. This level of precision suggests that the operation was executed with speed, the application of heat or lasers, all occurring as the subject was still alive.

In this image you can clearly see the body has been hollowed out of its organs. A cavity in the centre of the abdomen reveals an extraction point.

"INTERNAL EXAMINATION: ...after opening the cranial cavity using Griessinger technique we found:
  • ­    Unimpaired skullcap
  • ­    Cerebral edema.

In a case like this, the presence of cerebral edema without direct traumatic origin is a strong characteristic of an agonizing death. In confirmation, the autopsy conclusion explicitly states as causa mortis (cause of the death):

"...acute haemorhage in multiple traumatisms. There is a component of causa mortis by vagus stimulation" (implying cardio-respiratory arrest caused by extreme pain). "The victim shows injuries with vital reaction characteristics, i.e., there is the component "torture". The suggested modus operandi is: incisions in soft parts and natural orifices using sucking devices".


You may have heard the term "cattle mutilation". Cattle mutilation cases are much more common than that of the human variety. Yet this Guarapiranga case and the hundreds of cattle mutilation cases reported in the United States bear a striking similarity.

The above scene is from the scene of a reported cattle mutilation. I guess you could say that it's a little less scary given the fact that this is a cow. Yet the similarities in the precision to the cut and hollowed out organs yield an erie resemblance to what happened to the man in Guarapiranga. Unfortunately, this isn't the only sickening cattle mutilation ever reported. There are literally hundreds of cases just like this - all with a consistent methodology to removing internal organs & body material using advanced technological processes that seem to defy the capabilities of even the most modern medical procedures.